A tulajdonos kártyája Anna - Flatio
Bérlőként Bejelentkezés mint F4B
Landlords profile photo
Még nem áll rendelkezésre semmi értékelés
Anna B.
Medailon megjelenítés
Hi, we are Anna and Gergő, and this is our beloved cozy apartman in the middle of the city. It is ideal for a couple, but was already small for us with two playful dogs :) Therefore we moved to the countryside and offer you to stay in our fully renovated and equipped flat which has a really good vibe - you should come to feel it :)
Hobbik és szabadidős tevékenységek
We are owner of two dogs and two horses, and live with them abroad. We both have our own hobbies - Anna is poledancing and Gergő is a music producer. We both love music and go to parties often together with our friends. Our common hobby is everything under DIY :) We are building our home together and are really amazed by every self-made invention :)

Utoljára online
12 hónap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
November 2023

Anna az egy hitelesített tulajdonos
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