A tulajdonos kártyája Dhimitraq - Flatio
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Dhimitraq H.
Medailon megjelenítés
Hitelesítetlen ajánlatok 2
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
25. 1. - 29. 1. (5 nap)
5 418 Ft / éjszaka
Minden közüzemi szolgáltatás benne van
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
25. 1. - 7. 2. (14 nap)
7 172 Ft / éjszaka
Minden közüzemi szolgáltatás benne van
My name is Dhimitraq, i have a 5 year experience renting to tenants. My experience has made me understand tenants needs and adapt my apartments to those as best as i can. Apartments have access to private and public beach, all facilities needed are very near making your experience better. You are all welcome to enjoy the amazing sunsets from balcony and you can always reach me for any question/needs Thank you
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2 hónap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Október 2024

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